Legal funding is a cash advance on your upcoming settlement of you’re involved in a lawsuit in Birmingham, Alabama or surrounding suburbs.
We are Interstate Lawsuit Funding and we’re proud to have given thousands of dollars to our clients in need of a cash infusion.
When you’re a victim of personal injury, negligence, discrimination, harassment, accident, dog bit or any of a number of other calamities, you may have to wait a long time for your case to settle. Meanwhile, life goes on.
A legal funding cash advance puts money in your pocket fast. You don’t need to have good credit. In fact, there’s no credit check at all. You need not put up any collateral either. You qualify merely on the merits of your case. And if your case fails to settle in your favor or you lose your case in court, you don’t even have to pay us back.
Fund out how much we can send you. Fill out the 30-Second Application on this page. It’s as simple as that!