Lawsuit Loans in Detroit

Lawsuit Loans Detroit

When you find yourself injured, out of work, and awaiting the results of a lawsuit, chances are good that you could use some extra cash, fast. If these sound like circumstances you currently find yourself in, then don’t wait any longer; it’s time to apply for a lawsuit loan. Plaintiffs in Detroit, surrounding areas of Wayne County, and the rest of Michigan have used such pre-settlement cash advances to get the money they need to make ends meet while awaiting the outcome in court.

There are a variety of cases that may leave you strapped for cash, including auto accidents, medical malpractice, personal injury, slip and fall, and negligence. These lawsuits have a tendency to take months to resolve, thanks to a long and drawn out litigation process. If you’re out of work and facing medical bills, going without an income for that long could really put you in a bind.

Cash Advance for Personal Injury Cases

Thankfully, you can apply for a personal injury lawsuit cash advance in as little as 30 seconds, and if you’re approved, you could receive the money you need, up to $5,000, in as little as 24 hours. These loans are a great way to get the cash you need to pay your rent or mortgage, medical or utility bills, buy groceries, and even take a little break from all the stress.

Money is Available for Personal Injury Cases in Michigan

If you live in Detroit, or anywhere else in Michigan, you owe it to yourself to call Interstate Lawsuit Funding today. We are a direct lender with the power to help you make ends meet during your litigation, no matter what stage it’s in. When you contact us, we’ll connect you with loan professionals who know the ins and outs of Michigan law and can provide a quick decision on your eligibility, ensuring you get the cash you need as quickly as possible.

There are plenty of qualified personal injury and litigation lawyers in the greater Detroit region (click here).

Because we are a direct lender, you’ll get the money right from us, and we don’t require a credit check or any collateral, like you’d need to provide for a bank or other type of lender. When we receive your application online or over the phone, we’ll review the merits of your case, reach out to your attorney, and determine how much money you are eligible to receive.

For additional peace of mind, our pre-settlement cash advances are non-recourse loans. That means that if you win or settle your case, the repayment for the loan will come right out of the proceeds. If you lose the case, or it fails to settle, you won’t owe us anything; either way, you pay nothing out of pocket.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide lawsuit cash advances in a variety of cases, including motorcycle accident, burn injury, discrimination, assault, and much more. Fill out our simple, 30-second online application, or give us a call at 954-946-0487 today, to get the process started.

Apply for a Lawsuit Loan / Presettlement Cash Advance, CLICK HERE.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding, LLC
5100 North Ocean Blvd.
Suites 1618
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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