Discrimination Lawsuit Funding

Workers in the United States are protected by Federal law against discrimination.discrimination lawsuit funding

For those involved in a discrimination lawsuit, you’ve likely suffered unfair wages, unfair working conditions or some other unfair treatment for which your are entitled compensation.  It’s also highly likely you are now out of work and may even be suffering emotionally.

Although the law is on your side, these cases have a tendency to drag on and a settlement may take time.  That’s why we’re here…to provide you with some funding while you wait for your case to settle.

A pre-settlement cash advance is available so you can get some money up front so you can pay some bills and take care of yourself and your family.  We know life goes on while waiting for a discrimination lawsuit to play out.  So fill out the 30-Second Application right here on this page to find out how much money we can send you.

There’s never any risk to you.  There’s no credit check either.  The amount of money we can send you is predicated on the merits of your case.  That’s it!

Interstate Lawsuit Funding works in all the following states:

Alabama – Alaska – Arizona – California

Connecticut – Delaware – District Of Columbia –Florida

Georgia – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois

Indiana  – Iowa – Kentucky – Louisiana

Maine – Massachusetts – Michigan – Minnesota

Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska

Nevada – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico

New York – North Carolina – North Dakota – Ohio

Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania – Rhode Island

South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas

Utah – Vermont – Virginia – Washington

West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming

Interstate Lawsuit Funding, LLC
5100 North Ocean Blvd.
Suites 1618
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Get Directions

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