Lawsuit Cash Advance for a Car Accident Case
Have you been in a car accident and need cash now? If you need $1,000, $2,000 or even $5,000 right now our law professionals at Interstate Lawsuit Funding can get you the legal funding you need in the form of a lawsuit cash loan before your final settlement.
Car accidents result in injuries and in most cases unexpected medical bills, extensive treatments, and multiple doctor visits. All of these factors contribute to time away from work

Settlements take time. If your injury has you out of work and you need cash now, we’re here for you.
resulting in lost wages. If you have been involved in a car accident and have a pending settlement case, Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide a lawsuit cash advance in the form of a lawsuit loan to help relieve financial stress while your settlement pends. It doesn’t matter if you are in the beginning, middle, or ending stages of your case, we can provide the necessary legal funding at all stages of the litigation process.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motor vehicle crashes and fatalities increased in 2012. In that year, 33,561 people died in car accidents, up from 32,479 in 2011. Distracted driving played a major role in the number of deaths that occurred in 2011. Distracted driving occurs when drivers move their attention away from the task of driving to focus on another activity. Not only does distracted driving affect the driver, but passengers and non-occupants all the same. Car accidents are often a result of negligence and can lead to serious injury and in some cases wrongful death. Other causes of car accidents include but are not limited to: poor weather conditions, driving while intoxicated, driving while under the influence of controlled substances, road defects, and poor maintenance of the vehicle itself. We know that recovering from a car accident takes time. We also know that time is money. While your attorney works to get you the maximum monetary compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, a lawsuit loan cash advance can help tie the financial gap between needing money now and receiving your actual settlement.
Get the litigation funding you need. We provide pre-settlement funding for car accident cases in the following states:
Alabama – Alaska – Arizona – California – Connecticut – Delaware – District Of Columbia – Florida – Georgia – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois – Indiana – Iowa – Kentucky – Louisiana – Maine – Massachusetts – Michigan – Minnesota – Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska – Nevada – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico – New York – North Carolina – North Dakota – Ohio – Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania – Rhode Island – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas – Utah – Vermont– Virginia – Washington – West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming
Lawsuit loans, also known as litigation funding, or pre-settlement loans allow you the financial freedom needed in advance of your final settlement. Being involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault can be frustrating, stressful, and sometimes leaves your monetary options very limited. Realistically, not all settlement cases end quickly and litigating a case can take years. When settlement cases go on for months, sometimes years at a time, a lawsuit loan cash advance is a simple, quick, effective way to maintain your life and your bills. Don’t wait for insurance companies to get you the money you deserve. They are working hard only to get you the minimum settlement amount. They want to wear you down so you settle for less than you deserve. A cash infusion in the form of a no-risk lawsuit loan can be helpful. With a pre-settlement loan you can get the legal funding you need so that you can continue to make rent or mortgage payments, car payments, continue to have money for everyday living expenses, or just have money to use at your leisure. Our professional staff will work diligently to ensure your lawsuit loan is expedited so you can use your cash advance as soon as possible. Once your application has been accepted and processed you will receive a certified check via postal mail. If, for some reason, your case is not won and you do not receive the final settlement that you expected, you owe nothing back to Interstate Lawsuit Funding. We only get paid when you have received your final settlement.
Let Interstate Lawsuit Funding provide the lawsuit loan you need today. There is no risk to you and no credit check. Our decision to provide settlement funding is based solely upon the merit of your case. Get the funding you need by filling out the 30-second application. We’ll discuss your case with you and then with your attorney.