The Benefits Of Lawsuit Funding Cash Advance
When you get a cash advance from Interstate Lawsuit Funding, it’s like getting a guaranteed win. Even if you lose your case, you keep our money.
Other Benefits:
You don’t have to pressure your lawyer to settle quickly with the other side. When your under financial stress, you’re more likely to settle for less than you deserve.
You can live your life as normally as possible. You can pay your bills and take care or your family.
Preserve your credit by having the cash you need while you wait for your settlement.
Maintain your insurance coverages while you wait for your settlement. A lapse in coverage for auto, health, disability or any insurance could be costly, even devastating.
Get away from it all! Your cash advance can give you the freedom to take that vacation you deserve, a new TV or whatever you’ve been dreaming of.
What will you do with YOUR money? Find out how much money we will send
you. Start by filling out this simple 30-Second Application
We are a direct lender to plaintiffs seeking a lawsuit settlement funding loan in all the following United States:
We do NOT fund workers comp cases in the states with (*)