We’re Here To Help You and Your Client With Cash in Advance of Settlement
Here’s why you should consider supporting your client in ascertaining lawsuit settlement funding: To Take The Pressure Off.

Lawsuit funding insures your client a win even if the case loses.
A cash infusion takes the pressure off your client. In many instances, especially personal injury cases, your client can’t get back to work. The drama surrounding your client’s life at this time is difficult all by itself. Cash in advance of the settlement helps normalize your client’s life (to the extent it can be normalized) until the case settles.
A cash infusion take the pressure off YOU. While your client is in dire need of cash while waiting for a settlement, you will be nagged, bothered and pressured into succumbing to premature negotiation. This gives the opposition the power and will leave you and your client to less than you deserve.
Our rates are fair and our service is valuable.
We are a direct lender to plaintiffs seeking a lawsuit settlement funding loan in all the following United States:
We do NOT fund workers comp cases in the states with (*)