Monthly Archives January 2017

Jan 162017

Pre Settlement Funding for Slip and Fall Case

Icy conditions, especially on uneven sidewalks or bumpy parking lots, can be highly dangerous. There are numerous slip and fall claims settled each year. Have you been injured in a slip and fall? If you already have a lawyer and you need cash, you can borrow money against the settlement you expect in the future.

Lawsuit Loans Give You Access to the Cash You Need Now

It takes time to settle your case. Some times months or even a year or more. A lawsuit cash advance will give you a portion of the money you expect in your settlement now. You may use it however you wish. Whether it’s to pay rent, pay for food, your phone bill, or anything you want. It’s your money, to do with whatever you please.

Apply for a Lawsuit Funding Loan. Fill out the simple 30-Second Application. CLICK HERE. There is no credit check. We lend money on the merits of your case.

Your Personal Injury Lawsuit Case

You have a good case and you deserve to be covered for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and possibly even changes you’ll be forced to make in your lifestyle.

Personal injury cases can be complicated and may take a long time to resolve. In the mean time, your bills won’t be taking a break to accommodate your change in lifestyle should you miss work due to injury. Luckily, you can receive money you deserve before your case is even completed.

Slip & Fall is a Common Case Which Qualifies for a Settlement Cash Advance

In the case of a slip and fall, you may sustain injuries that prevent you from enjoying activities you once loved. Even worse, you may suffer serious complications that put you out of work for a long time. You’ll need the financial resources to cover bills and make up for your lost income, but your settlement or lawsuit may take a long time to reach a resolution. You may also seek compensation for your pain and suffering. With litigation funding, you can access a portion of the resources you would get from your case without having to wait until the end. This gives you the freedom to live more comfortably than you would while waiting for the conclusion of a potentially drawn-out case.

While a slip and fall accident may be publicly embarrassing, your image is the least of your concerns. In addition to the physical pain you endure, you may be left in financial strain if you sustain significant injuries that keep you from work. You may even miss out on everyday activities that bring you joy.

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident outdoors, you deserve to recover damages owed to you. You can get the compensation you need even before you settle your case with a lawsuit loan. You can’t control the conditions in a fall accident, so you shouldn’t have to carry the burden of any consequences.

Jan 132017

Nursing Home Neglect Lawsuit Funding

The decision to put a loved one in a nursing home is one of the most difficult you can make. It is hard to admit they need more help and supervision than you can provide and you want to find a place where they will be well-cared for. After asking for recommendations and checking references on your nursing home options, you choose one and move your loved one in.
After a few months, you realize that when you visit, your loved one doesn’t seem happy and even shares stories about not getting help when he/she needs to use the restroom or to get dressed. You discover other residents have the same complaints and that the nursing home has been neglecting your family member.
Your family member has bedsores and is showing signs of malnutrition and dehydration. You have moved them out of the nursing home, but now what? A lawyer assures you that you have the grounds for a neglect lawsuit, but you need that settlement now to take care of your family.
And this is when you call Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

When you have a pending neglect lawsuit, Interstate Lawsuit Funding can offer you a lawsuit cash advance so you can find the care you need for your family while you wait for your settlement to be sent.

You can fill out our quick online application and in just a few days, you could have your cash advance. This money can be used to care for your family or to fight your lawsuit. How the money is spent does not matter to us.
There is no risk to you, because if you don’t get your settlement, you don’t have to pay us back. You won’t even have to make monthly payments to us because we get our money when you do – as a check from your lawyer. You won’t even have to send us the check! Don’t worry if you have bad credit or no collateral because we don’t check your credit and don’t need collateral.
Interstate Lawsuit Funding is here to help you through this difficult time. Our lawsuit funding can give you the cash you need to be sure your loved one is well taken care of until the lawsuit is settled. We know that caring for your family is your most important goal and we want to help.

Jan 012017

Mining-Related Injuries and Illness

As one of the world’s most dangerous professions, mining poses risks to workers all over the globe. What few realize, however, is that the effects of mining can lead to injury or illness even for those not involved in the profession. When mining accidents occur, they usually cause injury to miners on the scene, but these events also lead to environmental damage, waterway contamination and health problems for people and wildlife.

Health-Related Lawsuits Caused By Toxic Pollution From Mining Projects

The normal processes involved in mining involve the extraction and/or alteration of numerous minerals and chemicals within the earth. These substances and their processing often create pollutants that have serious detrimental effects on human health. If you’ve been affected and are currently involved in a lawsuit for your injuries or illness, you qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance.

Millions of people around the world are affected by mining and related activities that produce substances such as arsenic, mercury, lead and more.

In gold mining, production involves retrieving the precious metal from ores, but this process increases the amount of mercury released into the environment so much that it tops any other industrial process in this regard. Mercury released in this way may act as a neurotoxin that damages the central nervous system.

Gold mining is often done in open air, so there is no barrier stopping the release of toxic substances that may penetrate the air, water or soil. Exposure to toxins such as these can create significant health effects such as respiratory disorders, birth defects, cancers and even death. They may also damage the flora and fauna of nearby areas.

Lawsuit Loans Are Available-No Credit Check

If mining negligence has caused illness for you or your loved ones, you should seek compensation for your suffering. When suffering through medical trauma, time off from work and other injury, the financial strain of everyday expenses adds up. You may have a pending case for compensation, but it helps little if the case gets dragged out for years at a time. In this type of situation, you should be rewarded as you need it. During the process of your lawsuit, you may qualify to receive a cash advance even before your case is settled.

Apply for Lawsuit Funding-It Only Takes 30-Seconds

Along with other dangerous substances, mercury is one of the most deadly pollutants that can make its way into soil and water or even travel miles through the air. Chemicals such as these can accumulate over time for those even outside the mining field. If you have been a victim of mining negligence, you should file suit to cover the effects caused by exposure to toxins you shouldn’t have to accept, and you deserve to have your reimbursement even before your case is settled. Apply for a litigation funding loan now, CLICK HERE.

We are a direct lender. There is no middle man. The decision to send you a lawsuit cash advance is made right here in our office. It’s your money. Apply now.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding, LLC
5100 North Ocean Blvd.
Suites 1618
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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