Can a School Bus Accident Lawsuit get Lawsuit Funding?
When a parent puts a child on a school bus, they have a reasonable sense of safety for their child. Unfortunately, the worse thing can happen and a child can be hurt or killed on that bus. Two high school students were recently killed coming home from a football game when their bus was hit by a driver who crossed the solid yellow line. Several more students were injured. The driver of the car was not badly injured.
Many high school students do not have life insurance policies. So in addition to the pain of losing their child, the parents had to find the money for the funeral. One child’s parents had to empty their savings account and make payments for the funeral. The other child’s parents had to take out a traditional loan. Now that they have both filed lawsuits, they have to wait months or years to get their money.
Receiving a cash advance on your lawsuit can help easy the financial burden from losing your child in an accident.
With the pain of losing their child, neither set of parents is that concerned about financial issues, but they are also struggling to pay bills and are having a hard time functioning at work, resulting in lost pay. At Interstate Lawsuit Funding, we want to help these devastated parents a little. We can never help them with the pain of losing a child, but we can make the financial burden a little easier.
We don’t check credit scores and we don’t care about what assets they own. We base their lawsuit cash advance only on their lawsuit. Our rates are very low and there is no application fee. We keep everything as simple as possible so grieving parents and family members can get the help they need without adding more stress to their lives.
Interstate Lawsuit Funding is a company that believes helping people in difficult situations is the best part of our jobs. Call us today so we can help you, too.