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Aug 122014

Advanced Lawsuit Loan For Medical Malpractice

Every year thousands of medical malpractice suits are filed due to negligence. The settlements of medical malpractice cases is sometimes very high, as some acts have lead to permanent injuries or death. In 2012 alone, more than 3 billion dollars was paid out to victims of these lawsuits. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports medical malpractice as the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Do you need cash now? You may be in luck! See if you’re eligible for an advanced lawsuit loan.

After a claim has been filed for a medical accident due to negligence, many times the insurance company will urge you to settle out of court.  Insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind.  They know medical bills can become extremely expensive, but by you settling quickly, they will not have to pay out nearly as much.  Before you sign or agree to anything with insurance companies, it is best to seek an attorney’s advice.

Don’t handle these cases on your own. Hire an attorney, and get the cash you need now rather than waiting for the case to settle.

Bills will begin to pile up for hospital stays, doctors appointments, prescriptions, and therapy.  Also, if the victim is out of work longer than expected due to their injury or illness, the household income decreases.  This can greatly affect a family trying to support themselves.  Luckily, if you and your lawyer have a case, Interstate Lawsuit Funding can be a savior to you.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding is a direct lending group.  We have low interest rates, do not run credit checks, or look at your employment history.  The only requirement is that you already have a lawyer for your case.  We will be able to provide you with cash now as you await the case to finish in court.  You can use the money to pay for any expenses you may have while your lawyers fight the case.  Fill out our 30 second application or call us today for more information.

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Interstate Lawsuit Funding, LLC
5100 North Ocean Blvd.
Suites 1618
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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