Concussion lawsuits can be a tough battle.

Get a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance for your personal injury case.
The National Football League is being sued by at least 10 Hall of Fame members who had suffered concussions on the field. The players believe neurological conditions they now live with are a consequence of the league hiding evidence risks they knew about for decades.
A proposed settlement between the players is being reviewed in Philadelphia by a US District Court judge.
As an average citizen you probably don’t have the big bucks needed to go up against powerhouse companies and wait indefinitely for your case to settle. While you’re not working, life’s expenses can pile up causing you worry, damaging your credit rating, or maybe even denying you of every day necessities for yourself and your family.
A pre-settlement cash advance against a portion of the money you expect to win in your case can become a reality.
You can get $500, $1000 even $5000 or more and you don’t even need to fill out a credit application. In fact, there’s no credit check at all for a lawsuit cash advance from Interstate Lawsuit Funding. All you need to do is fill out a simple 30-Second Application to get the process started.