Cash Advance for Workman’s Comp Case in Tennessee
When it comes to workers compensation, it sometimes is tough to finally get your money to

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cover for lost income due to being injured on the job or becoming ill to where you cannot work. This can be due to a court date being weeks away, paperwork not being filed quickly, or even fraud on the employers part.
The Department of Labor and Workforce Development in Tennessee is beginning to crack down on employer fraud. Employers will classify employees as independent contractors, or not report all wages paid out. By doing this, companies are avoiding having to pay for workers compensation and unemployment insurance tax premiums. Not only is this illegal, but it is unethical. Especially if the company has a lot of employees working high risk jobs, if an employee is injured while working, they deserve to earn workers comp to help cover their medical expenses, and give them sustainable income until they can return to work.
Your workers comp lawyer will fight for you against the insurance companies to get your compensation. While waiting for your settlement to complete, everything in life still goes on. You may be struggling to come up with the money for bills, taxes, and other expenses. We at Interstate Lawsuit Funding can help you get cash you need right now. As a direct lender with reasonable interest rates, we will get you the lawsuit advance loans you need to carry on. If you have a good case, we can help you out. Call us today or complete our 30 second online application.