Do Harassment Cases Qualify for Lawsuit Funding?
Harassment lawsuits are usually filed because of a “quid pro quo” situation, which means “something for something.” This is often used in sexual harassment cases, such as a boss demanding an employee sleep with him/her to advance their career. Harassment cases can also be filed for abusive work environment or if there has been retaliation towards an employee who complained about their work situation. Harassment lawsuits do qualify for lawsuit funding, if you find the right lender.
The biggest reason most people look for lawsuit funding for harassment cases is the harassment happens at work and they cannot go back to that job. Sometimes, the harassment is so bad that they need time to recover from the abuse before they can begin to search for another job. During this time, the bills keep coming and money may be very tight.
Let Interstate Lawsuit Funding help you with your work place bully or sexual harassment case.
If you don’t have a huge savings set aside or family to help with finances, your situation could become serious very fast. With lawsuits taking months or even years to settle, you could be in desperate need of cash before you get your settlement.
Interstate Lawsuit Funding can help you. We are a direct lender that offers lawsuit cash advances that are based on your lawsuit and nothing else. It doesn’t matter to us whether you have great credit or poor. We don’t need any collateral, either. All we need is basic information about your lawsuit and your permission to speak to your attorney. He/she will need to fill out a short form about your suit.
I am already in debt, what if I don’t win my settlement?
You may be wondering what kind of risk there is to you. What if your settlement doesn’t come? You are probably thinking a lawsuit cash advance would just put you farther in debt when you don’t even have a job to take care of your family. This brings up the best part – if you don’t win, you don’t have to pay us back. How’s that for no risk? It’s true. If you lose your lawsuit, then we don’t get paid. There is no risk for you and everything to gain.
Call us today and ask about harassment lawsuit funding.