Case Types

Dec 072013

Bicycle Accident Lawsuit Claim Can Qualify for Legal Funding Loan

Lawsuit for Injuries Resulting From a Bicycle Accident

Cathi Turner died from a bicycle accident. Her husband, who filed a lawsuit against the

bike accident lawsuit

Injured in a bicycle accident? If you have a case, you can access cash. Click the picture to learn more.

Department of Transportation of Utah for causing the accident, would qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance.

The lawsuit claims that Cathi Turner was driving a bike along with her friend when the bike had clipped the base of a construction sign and led her to crash into a strip of rocks in the area. Turner’s husband alleged that the sign was unsecure and misplaced, causing the accident. However, the Department of Transportation claims that the contractor followed all procedures.

Staker Parson, the contractor in question, had a permit and the right to have signs on the bike lane. However, he used sandbags, which were not necessary and could have clipped the bicycle, causing it to shift into the pile of rocks. Turner is seeks an undisclosed amount for the emotional trauma and post-death expenses.

Turner’s husband may be eligible to receive a pre-cash settlement until the case is settled.

For individuals with a lawsuit who need cash now, a pre-settlement cash advance is available in the form of a no-risk, no-credit check lawsuit loan. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is able to help individuals like Joan while the lawsuit is settled. Such a loan provides a unique opportunity in that it requires no credit check or proof of income.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide loans up to $5,000 based solely on the merits of the case.

If your case is dealing with any kind of accident or personal injury, you could qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance. Please use the simple 30-second application on our Home page to apply. If your case qualifies, we would be able to send you a check within 48-hours for the money you require.

A lawsuit loan is for you to keep even if you don’t win your case or a settlement. We will only be paid back through the settlement amount if your case wins. If your case does not win in court, you will have no personal liability to pay off the loan on your own. Your personal valuables and your credit history are not at risk with Interstate Lawsuit Funding.


Dec 032013

Car Accidents Qualify for Lawsuit Loan

Car Accident Lawsuit Claim Can Qualify for Legal Funding Loan

Here’s an example of a case where the plaintiff would likely qualify for lawsuit funding.

car crash loan

Have you been injured in a car crash? You’re eligible for a cash loan in advance of your settlement. Click the picture to fill out a 30-Second Application.

Two individuals, Rosa Lopez and Victoria Galvan, who filed a suit in Jefferson, Texas, against Lillie Henderson in a negligence case would qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance.

In this case, Lopez, a friend of Galvan, a minor, were in a car crash with Henderson. Lopez and Galvan sustained multiple injuries in the crash. Lopez has alleged that Henderson was driving inattentively through an intersection, leading to the accident.

Lopez holds Henderson responsible for the accident as he was going too fast to stop at the intersection and thus was negligent. Now, she would like Henderson to pay for the hospital bills of both Lopez and Galvan. The expected amount for damages is between $100,000 to $200,000.

Lopez and Galvan could both be eligible to receive a lawsuit loan prior to settlement.

For individuals with a lawsuit who need cash now, a pre-settlement cash advance is available in the form of a no-risk, no-credit check lawsuit loan. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is able to help individuals like Joan while the lawsuit is settled. Such a loan provides a unique to tap into a portion of the final settlement amount.  This money can be used for whatever the plaintiff desires.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide loans up to $5,000 based solely on the merits of the case.

Any kind of accident or personal injury, you could qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance. Please use the simple 30-second application on our Home page to apply. If your case qualifies, we would be able to send you a check within 24-48 hours for the money you require.

The money we send you is for you to keep. Use it for anything you need.  We will be paid back through the settlement amount. If your case does not win in court, you will have no personal liability to pay off the loan on your own. Your personal valuables and your credit history are not at risk with Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

Dec 022013

Animal Attack Lawsuit Funding

Animal Attack Lawsuit Claim Can Qualify for Legal Funding Loan

Brian Millet, who was attacked by an uncontrolled pit-bull while delivering a package, could

lawsuit for animal attach, dog bite

A lawsuit involving an Animal Attack could qualify for a significant cash advance. Find out how much money you can get. CLICK HERE

qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance from Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

In this case, Millet alleges that despite several complaints about the loose pit bull, the local authorities failed to impound the dog. During his regular route to deliver a package, he was attacked by the dog and sustained several back injuries while trying to defend himself from the dog. Fortunately, the he was able to escape without a bite.

Millet filed the suit against the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s office as he claims that he department did not adhere to the public’s warning and took no effort to safeguard the public from the pit bull.

Typically, lawsuits are against the owner of the dog that caused the damage or injury, and every state holds the owner strictly liable for injuries caused by such animal attacks. Mail carriers and delivery people are at most risk from such animal attacks, with over 2.5 million dog attacks occurring every year.

Millet could be eligible to receive a lawsuit loan until his case is settled.

For individuals with a lawsuit who need cash now, a pre-settlement cash advance is available in the form of a no-risk, no-credit check lawsuit loan. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is able to help individuals like Mr. Millet while the lawsuit is settled. Such a loan provides a unique opportunity in that it requires no credit check or proof of income.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide loans up to $5,000 based solely on the merits of the case.

Please use the simple 30-second application on our Home page to apply. If your case qualifies, we would be able to send you a check within 48-hours for the money you require.

The lawsuit loan money is for you to keep and use however you wish. We will be paid back when the case settles. If your case does not win in court, you will have no personal liability to pay off the loan on your own. Your personal valuables and your credit history are not at risk with Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

Nov 252013

Slip & Fall Injury Qualifies for Lawsuit Loan

Personal Injury Due To Slip and Fall is a Case You Can Win

The seaman who is seeking $2.5 Million in damages from RLB Contracting for a slip-and-fall injury would most likely qualify for a pre-settle cash advance.

lawsuit loans for slip and fall victims

Slip and fall injuries usually qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance

The case was filed on November 18th of this year by Jose Maroquin. According to the plaintiff, the injury occurred because of low lighting and slippery floors on the vessel he was working in. Jose was aboard the Port Lavaca Texas contractor’s, dredge vessel performing his duties when ship was stuck by the dredge. This caused a shift of the boat while in the water. The plaintiff claims that the engine room he was working in was not properly lit and had residual oil on the floor with not enough grating on the floor for grip. This shifting of the boat resulted in him slipping on the oil and injuring his lower back.

Due to the injury, Jose has asserted large medical expenses since the injury as well as future medical expenses. He has also claimed mental anguish, disfigurement and loss of wage. Despite of the event, RLB has not taken any responsibility and has allegedly forced Jose to work past what the doctor had advised. Lastly, the suit claims that the dredge vessel is not seaworthy and a liability.

For individuals with a lawsuit who need cash now, a pre-settlement cash advance is available in the form of a no-risk, no-credit check lawsuit loan. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is able to help individuals like Jose while the lawsuit is settled. Such a loan provides a unique opportunity in that it requires no credit check or proof of income.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide loans up to $5,000 based solely on the merits of the case.

If your case is dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination (including age, gender, or racial), or any kind of accident or personal injury, you would qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance. Please use the simple 30-second application on our Home page to apply. If your case qualifies, we would be able to send you a check within 48-hours for the money you require.

That check is for you to keep, and we will be paid back through the settlement amount. If your case does not win in court, you will have no personal liability to pay off the loan on your own. Your personal valuables and your credit history are not at risk with Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

Nov 252013

Lawsuit Loan for Discrimination Cases

Discrimination Lawsuit Claim Can Qualify for Legal Funding Loan

A public safety worker in the Public Safety Department of Bucks County Community who

lawsuit loans for discrimination case

Victims of workplace discrimination have a case.. We can send you cash while you your lawyer works on getting you justice.

has filed a discrimination case with an attorney would likely qualify for a pre-settle cash advance.

In this case, Joan Dunn, a 70-year-old black female, has filed a suit in Bensalem, Pa., for an Age Discrimination violation of the Employment Act. The plaintiff claims that other employees used her old age to treat her in a demeaning and derogatory manner.  Despite complaints to her superiors, the discrimination continued. The plaintiff also states that such behavior was not shown towards her younger co-workers, which emphasizes her claim of discrimination based on her age.

Finally, the plaintiff was fired from her position in September 2012, claiming that the termination was based on “pre-textual” basis of her complaints to her seniors about her treatment based on race and age discrimination. Ms. Dunn went on to allege that the termination has not been properly resolved. This lawsuit proclaims violations in the Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.

For individuals with a lawsuit who need cash now, a pre-settlement cash advance is available in the form of a no-risk, no-credit check lawsuit loan. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is able to help individuals like Joan while the lawsuit is settled. Such a loan provides a unique opportunity in that it requires no credit check or proof of income.

Interstate Lawsuit Funding can provide loans up to $5,000 based solely on the merits of the case.

If your case is dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination (including age, gender, or racial), or any kind of accident or personal injury, you would qualify for a pre-settlement cash advance. Please use the simple 30-second application on our Home page to apply. If your case qualifies, we would be able to send you a check within 48-hours for the money you require.

That check is for you to keep, and we will be paid back through the settlement amount. If your case does not win in court, you will have no personal liability to pay off the loan on your own. Your personal valuables and your credit history are not at risk with Interstate Lawsuit Funding.

Sep 202013

Lawsuits For Dog Bites Win Cash Settlement

Millions of Dollars Are Settled In Legal Claims For Dog Bites Annually

dog bite case, lawsuit

Get a police report if bitten by a dog or any animal.

Dog bites scar more than a person’s flesh.  It scars the mind and emotions.

State Farm insurance, in Ohio alone, paid out over $5 million in dog bite claims.  And guess what, Ohio was only #4.  there were 3 other undisclosed states where the payouts for dog bite claims were even higher.

If you or a family member are victim of a dog bite, call the police immediately.  There must be a police report taken and then go immediately to your nearest emergency room.

The police report serves 2 major and important purposes:

1. The incident should be properly documented for the good of the community.  There must be a record made of the biting dog and possible a reprimand or warning to its owner. A police report may also reveal the dog is a repeat offender.  Your report may save someone else in the future from becoming a victim.

2.  You may have a legal case.  Do not take for granted the bite is not severe. You need to take every measure to prevent infection. You may suffer additional pain you don’t realize later and you may also suffer from fear and anxiety in the aftermath of the incident.

If you were injured by a dog bite or other animal attack, you probably have a good reason to expect a cash settlement from an homeowner’s insurance policy.  If so, you probably qualify for lawsuit funding.  This means you get a portion of the money you’re getting from the settlement up front.  A cash advance.

Funding is available without any risk or credit check.  the amount of money you can get with a lawsuit funding loan is determined by the merits of your case alone.  To find out how much money we can send you, simply fill out the simple 30-Second Application on our website.  

Interstate Lawsuit Funding, LLC
5100 North Ocean Blvd.
Suites 1618
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Get Directions

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