Advanced Lawsuit Loan for Trucking Accident
Trucking accidents are often more severe than regular car accidents. They weigh an incredible amount, and can injure people in multiple cars. Truck drivers are also required to follow specific laws, particularly about how many hours in a day they are allowed to drive. By driving longer than the set amount of hours, they put their own life, and the lives of many others in danger.
In Indiana, a truck driver on Interstate 55 was involved in an accident, where he collided with multiple cars. Francisco Espinal was found to be driving for about 12 hours. Truck drivers are legally allowed to drive for 11 hours at the max per day, and a 14 hour work limit per day. Due to his negligence, he contributed to the accident, injuring many people. Espinal also attempted to forge the safety regulations by claiming he was not driving past the limit, when records show he was.
Don’t sit around for months or even years waiting for the settlement, get your cash now!
If you or a loved one is injured or killed in an auto accident involving a truck, you need to get legal help today. Your attorney will help you deal wight he insurance companies properly, as insurance companies covering trucks may work differently than traditional auto insurance. While the investigation takes place, you may be in dire need of cash. Medical bills may be piling up, among other expenses needed to survive. If you are out of work due tot he injury, this becomes a major issue. Interstate Lawsuit Funding is a direct lender for advanced lawsuit loans. We have competitive interest rates, and do not do credit checks. Filling out the application takes about 30 seconds. Complete it to see if you are eligible for an advanced lawsuit loan today.
Source: http://www.ttnews.com/articles/basetemplate.aspx?storyid=35736&t=Trucker-in-I-55-Fatal-Crash-Has-Operating-Authority-Suspended-FMCSA-Says